Sheraton - Play Nice
Sheraton wanted to showcase their NCAA sponsorship, without playing favoritism to any specific team, everyone wins when they stay at a Sheraton.
Copywriter/ Jim McCain
Art Director / Matt Schafer
GCD / Morgan Carrol, George Decker
ECD / Peter Nicholson
Ikea - Timelapse
Role: Art Director
One of Ikea's biggest problem is that people often think of their furniture as disposable and cheap. our challenge was to show how living spaces are meant to be lived in. We accomplished that by showing a family grow and evolve, subtly aging each scene; living room designs getting updated, a plant growing, artwork hanging on the walls. Eventually ending on a bit of humor that hopefully resonated with family's dealing with teenage angst.
Copywriter/ Emily Frankfurt
Art Director / Jimmy McCain
GCD / Nathan Hunt
ECD / Peter Nicholson
Director / Renny Maslow
Imodium - Get Back Out there
Role: Art Director.
Created with a limited budget, Imodium wanted to showcase their product, without focusing on the symptoms that necessitate using the product. Instead we focused on what the audience gets back, and that's living their life without stomach problems.
Olympus Cameras
Role: Writer.
At the time, live view was a revolutionary feature to have on a digital camera. Being able to compose your frame as you are looking at them, means finding the perfect shot. So we showcased this by creating a coffee sleeve with a camera, and one the cup a scene with all types of interesting and fun things happening. The user is encouraged to spin the sleeve, and find their shot.
Copywriter/ Jim McCain
Art Director / Matt Schafer
GCD / Morgan Carrol, George Decker
ECD / Peter Nicholson